Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What is Innovation REALLY?

This word "innovation" is used all the time, but what does it really mean. In our new book Innovation in Mission, we talk about that in a very practical way. We bring it to life by showing you mission innovators at work.

Innovation has three key elements that you will find over and over as you read the book:
1. There is thought, ideas, theory, concepts that are considered and discussed. These challenges are the imputus for the innovation.

2. There is a solution that solves a very practical problem. This is the reaction to the theory.

3. There is action. This is the roll-out of the theory through the solution and into practical application.

In missions we are better at theory and etherial solutions then we are at action. There is alot we can learn from these innovators who put their ideas into action.

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