Monday, March 17, 2008

21 in 21 - A New Generation on Mission

There was an exciting Symposium that happened recently at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. It looked at the 21st Century of missions and what a new generation would bring to it.

One of our facebook group members is a leader at the seminary - David Livermore. See what he said about it and take a minute to check out the presentations:

"At Jon's invitation, I just wanted to mention a symposium we recently convened at the Global Learning Center here in Grand Rapids. With Bill Taylor as our keynote presenter and some 20-somethings of course, we wrestled with the issue of what it looks like to learn from 20-somethings in how they view mission. A great deal of fascinating dialogue ensued. We'll be posting more results from the symposium in the future but for now, you can see some of the presentations at"

Some of the presentations include:
- Learning to Listen to 20-Somethings
- Confessions of a Boomer
- Common Ground

This topic is of utmost importance because it is so hard to think outside of our context. We struggle to engage with younger or older generations so many times. However, if you are already in missions, this is the time to understand how a new generation will do missions differently.

If you are one of those 20-somethings (or maybe even younger) who is working through what missions is - be encouraged. Your journey is exactly what missions needs. As you think through the issues, pray about how you will approach it, and innovate with the challenges and opportunities of the day, God is going to use you in incredible ways!

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