Sunday, April 20, 2008

Books and Resources for the Innovator

I spoke at a conference recently and shared a list of books and resources helpful in innovation work. I wanted to share them with you as well. I hope they are useful.

Books to Consider
Blink, Malcolm Gladwell
Spiritual Leadership, Henry and Richard Blackaby
Well Connected, Phill Butler
Credibility, James Kouzes/Barry Posner
The Age of Access, Jeremy Rifkin
Blue Ocean Strategy, W. Chan Kim/Renee Mauborgne
The Innovator’s Dilemma, Clayton Christensen
Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey Moore
Making Innovation Work, Davila/Epstein/Shelton
10 Rules For Strategic Innovators, Govindarajan/Trimble
Small is the New Big, Seth Godin
A Whack on the Side of the Head, Roger Von Oech
Mindset, John Naisbitt

Other Resources to Consider
Fast Company Magazine,
Evangelical Missions Quarterly,
Momentum Magazine,

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